Oil Originals: Hyrum Joe

Although Hyrum might be recognized as the son of the internationally known alabaster sculptor and bronze artist, Oreland Joe, he has certainly proved that he can stand on his own two feet. Hyrum creates some of the most visually compelling and original works of art in oil that we've seen by anyone his age. Last year he won the SWAIA fellowship and subsequently sold out at his very first Indian Market event.

We are delighted to have this opportunity to show Hyrum's work, which can be seen in only a handful of the most prestigious galleries in Colorado and New Mexico. Because of our close, personal relationship, we were lucky enough to acquire these recent originals, and we look forward to bringing you more.

click pic for canvas close-up


A Warrior's Song
8 x 10 Oil
(framed 12 x 14)

plus sh/han



Looking strikingly similar to the artist, this handsome pow wow dancer is dressed for a men's fancy dance. He will recreate a traditional war dance in honor of his ancestors. His elaborate regalia is adorned with vintage glass beads, porcupine quills, eagle feathers, and other sacred animal parts.

Rather pensive, the dancer looks on, as he stands in solidarity with his kin. Together they hang on to the memories of the past and revive their identities as American Indians.

I enjoyed this painting primarily because it was contemporary in its theme and because it illustrates Hyrums diversity as a painter across multiple cultural platforms.

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